This year I will be adding several snowflakes. So far, I have ordered two sets from Boscoyo Studio (ChromaFlakes 24″ (set) and ChromaFlakes 16″ (set)). Although the pages for these indicate that there are xLight models available, I could not find any that were exact to the flakes and certainly none that were how I wanted to wire my strings of pixels. I used 3″ spacing nodes and did not have to splice any wires in (only splicing was in one 16″ flake as I used the leftovers of the other 3 flakes to make another string.

The 24″ flakes use 48 nodes while the 16″ flakes use 36. Please feel free to look at the pictures to understand my wiring scheme. Further, I have my models available in One Drive if you would like to use them. Note that the wiring is opposite the model that you will see in Excel as the model displays the front while the wiring is the done from the back.



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One thought on “Boscoyo Snowflake Assembly and Pixel Order

  1. Thanks a bunch of posting the .xmodel files for the 16″ ChromaFlakes! You’re the only person I’ve found to have done this… really helpful.

    Your site is great, and very informative. I’ll be checking back for sure to see your additions for 2017.

    Thanks again,

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